Holly Douglas Realtor® | Clardy Real Estate

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Home Sellers

Home selling process

Prepare Your Home for Sale

Begin by decluttering, depersonalizing, and making necessary repairs. Consider professional staging and photography to showcase your property’s best features.

Set the Right Price

Work with your real estate agent to determine a competitive listing price. Consider market conditions, comparable sales, and your home’s unique attributes.

Market Your Home

Leverage your agent’s marketing expertise to create a compelling listing. Promote your home online, through social media, and in traditional channels. Hold open houses to attract potential buyers.

Receive and Negotiate Offers

When offers come in, your agent will help you evaluate them. Negotiate terms, including price, contingencies, and closing date, to secure the best deal.

Complete Due Diligence

Cooperate with the buyer’s inspections and appraisals. Address any issues that arise and provide necessary documentation. Your agent will guide you through this process.

Close the Sale

Once contingencies are met and financing is secured, proceed to the closing. Sign paperwork, transfer ownership, and receive the proceeds. Congratulations, your home is sold!

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